BizningSkineare qog'oz qadoqlash qutilariare made from eco-friendly materials that are committed to reducing the negative impact on the environment. Not only is this material biodegradable, it is also recyclable, helping your brand demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. These boxes are well-designed to protect your skincare products from damage, oxidation, and external elements. Whether your products are liquids, creams or powders, our boxes ensure that they remain intact during transport and storage. Biz sizning terikarar qutilaringiz ajralib turishi va iste'molchilarning ko'zini ko'tarib, iste'molchilarning ko'zini ushlashini ta'minlash uchun turli xil ranglar, ranglar va bosib chiqarish dizaynlarini keng qamrovli taklif qilamiz. Unique packaging can also be created to suit your brand image and market needs. These boxes can be used not only for skincare products, but also for a wide range of products such as cosmetics, perfumes, gifts and more. Their versatility makes them ideal for a wide range of industries. Whether you are an emerging brand or an industry giant, we have the experience and resources to meet your packaging needs. Partnering with us will bring your products greater market appeal and sustainable success.
FOB narxi: Iltimos, aniq taklifni olish uchun bizga batafsil ma'lumot yuboring
To'lov: L / C, T / T, Paypal
Yetkazib berish muddati: depozit va dizaynni tasdiqlaganidan 15-25 kun o'tgach
Qadoqlash: Standart eksport kartonlari yoki sizning talablaringiz bo'yicha qadoqlangan